Soylent Sekondus v9.2 Tasty!

Last updated October 27, 2018 Copy
AmountVolumeIngredient$ / daySource
1pillKirkland Signature Daily Multivitamin$0.03Amazon
5gPotassium chloride$0.10Amazon
72gWhey Protein (80%)$0.86Bulk Foods
0.5pillCalcium and vitamin D$0.02Amazon
0.2pillVitamin K$0.01Amazon
1pill600capsuleAlpha-galactosidase enzyme (Beano)$0.05Walmart Online
3gXanthan Gum$0.17Bob's Red Mill
40gFlaxseed, fresh ground$0.15Bob's Red Mill
20gOil, canola$0.03Costco
44gBob's Red Mill Whole Grain Oat Flour$0.10Bob's Red Mill
176gGolden Corn Flour (Nixtamalized)$0.42Bob's Red Mill
32gWheat bran, crude$0.06Bob's Red Mill
115gBob's Red Mill Barley Flour$0.25Bob's Red Mill
10gNOW Foods Lecithin Granules$0.21Amazon
Amounts for:
Total Daily Cost:
$2.58Add Ingredients
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A two-week's supply of soylent is about the right volume to mix in a 20 l / 5 gal bucket. Measure amounts on a digital scale in a very large bread mixing bowl (large enough to hold about 3 kg of flour) and put it into the bucket for mixing.

A spreadsheet calculator for mixing a batch for number of days you want of the mix comes in handy. Just replace the "Days to Mix" number with the number of days you want to mix for your batch size.

The ingredient mixing order:

  • Oil Powder Ingredients
    • Measure the oil into a stand mixer bowl first
    • Add Lecithin and let soak for one hour before further processing. Go ahead and mix the ingredients for the Dry Ingredients step in the mean time.
    • Add the Xanthan Gum powder to the oil and thoroughly combine.
    • Add the rest of the Oil Ingredients, and at lastly, add the Wheat Bran to the oil mixture and blend. This is the "powdered" form of the only liquid ingredient
  • Dry Ingredients
    • Flaxseed may clump together while processing. A Vitamix "Dry Grain" mixing container works great while working in smaller batches of ~100 ml.
    • Add the dry ingredients into a 20 l / 5 gal bucket in any order. Also add the above powdered oil ingredients into the mixing bucket
  • Pill Ingredients
    • Blend the pill quantities calculated from the above spreadsheet in a small coffee grinder into a fine powder, but without overheating the contents, and beware of breathing the dust.
    • Weigh the remaining non-pill vitamin components on a digital scale and add to the mixing container
    • Give the contents of the mixing container a brief mixing with a stirrer. The Gamma lid has a honeycomb of crevices which will trap the material at the top of the bucket. A brief pre-mix keeps your pill contents from being lost or poorly mixed.

A Mixing Method

The following worked well for mixing a 14 day supply of soylent:

  • Add a mixing "fin" made of 2 cm x 2 cm angled aluminum to the inside of a 20 l / 5 gal bucket to stir the contents. Also add a "Gamma Seal" top (see attached images).
  • Add unmixed soylent to the bucket, seal the top tightly. Place in a clothes dryer along with two more buckets to take-up space, and pack with pillows to prevent the buckets from shifting around.
  • Run the dryer on tumble mode (NO heat) for at least 30 minutes. Use the time waiting for mixing to clean up the awful mess you made while preparing the soylent.
  • Vacuum seal 900 ml of soylent into 1 l glass Mason jars, approximately 400 g per jar, and store jars in a freezer


  • V9.2 Changes
    • Was able to replace maltodextrin with a narrow combination of oat, corn, and barley flour at the expense of being slightly over in niacin content.
    • Letting lecithin soak for an hour in the canola oil before mixing the rest of the ingredients allows the lecithin to dissolve.
    • Doubled the amount of xanthan gum to compensate for the elimination of psyllium husk powder
  • V9.1 Changes
    • Due to the digestion issues from V9, Adjusting:
      • Balance of carbs:protein:fat from 30:30:40 to 55:20:25
      • Eliminated Soy Protein
      • Eliminated Psyllium Husk fiber and compensated with Lecithin
      • Eliminated the dried Broccoli
      • Increasing the amount of "Beano"
    • The Phosphatidyl Choline from the Lecithin supplies more than enough Choline. Dropping Choline Bitartrate as a recipe ingredient
  • V9 Issues
    • Still have slight digestion issues. The following could help:
      • Reduce the ratio of soy to whey protein to 1:3
      • Reduce the total amount of protein (currently is 3x over the DRI) by 33%
      • Reduce the amount of soluble fiber: psyllium husk and xanthan gum and compensate with lecithin to help with suspension
        • Lecithin amount for suspension is suggested to be about 1% by weight. Soylent plus water per day is about 3 kg, which would equate to about 30 g of Lecithin per day. Will start with that and adjust if needed.
      • Increase the amount of "Beano"
      • Eliminate the dried broccoli sprouts
  • V9 Changes
    • Re-added Wheat Bran. Have been adding wheat bran outside of the mix anyway. I had assumed the high Manganese content would not produce a feasible solution, but adding 35 g per day worked fine.
    • Added dried broccoli sprouts
  • V8 Issues
    • There is still some clumping. The flaxseed meal seems to form a less water dissolvable barrier on outside of clumps. Maybe adding lecithin directly into the flaxseed meal and mixing would help bind the flaxseed oils and water better.
    • The soluble fiber a bit high. Would rather have a bit more insoluble fiber and less soluble fiber.
    • The corn maltodextrin did not bind well with the oil
    • Preparing the cooked portion of the flaxseed meal took a long time. Should find an alternative for all but 40g of flaxseed meal.
  • V8 Changes
    • Adding key essential protein components to the linear optimizer solver to make sure the incomplete protein sources don't dominate the complete protein sources in the overall macro protein total.
    • Added soy protein isolate to help reduce the dried milk flavor from the whey protein
    • Adding nixtamalized corn masa. The flavor from earlier recipes was very good.
    • Adding, also oat flour. The oat flour produced a nice wholeness and flavor in earlier recipes.
    • Also adding psyllium husk powder to help suspend particles and help counteract runniness. The soluble fiber from the flax seed did not help as a thickener.
    • Adjusting xanthan gum to 1.5 g after experience over the last two versions.
    • The maximum healthy levels for consuming raw flaxseed is about 60 g / day due to the amounts of cyanogenic glycosides (see: Flaxseed--a potential functional food source). Limiting the amount of raw flaxseed meal to 40 g and processing the remainder using a pressure cooker and dryer. Pressure cooked ~1.5 kg of flaxseeds for 40 minutes in a Instant Pot at high pressure setting. Dried seeds also for 40 minutes in a food dehydrator (see photos), then ground into meal using a Vitamix with the Dry Grains blade/container in batches of 200 ml at a time.
  • V7 Issues
    • The amount of whey in V7 is producing an off milky flavor. The amount of whey in V6 did not contribute to the flavor in a noticeable way. Need to see if the protein from the oat flour (which is incomplete) was dominating in the balance of protein, over the whey (complete protein) in V6. Balancing the ingredients for all of the essential proteins might be required.
    • Splenda was used in V6. The amount was not enough to give a noticeable amount of sweetness, and was mostly used for the maltodextrin carrier, which powdered the oil ingredients. The lack of Splenda makes V7 taste a bit flat.
    • The Walnuts do not have a noticeable taste at first , but have a great aftertaste a bit later. This is an ingredient to keep for other recipes.
    • The flaxseed meal was put into the blending container by itself. There were a few clumps left over after blending. A better process would be to add the flaxseed meal to the stand-mixer along with flour ingredients and let the flour break-up the clumps.
    • The Xanthan gum was increased in V7. There is a slight slickness to the texture. Should reduce the amount by 25%.
    • The taste of V6 was much better that V7. The oat flour was adding a lot to the flavor. Also, the corn masa flavor was very good. Swapping barley flour out for corn masa would be an improvement, and would also reduce the manganese.
  • V6 Issues
    • The digestibility and flavor are very good. Have been very happy with V5 and V6
    • The corn masa adds a nice balance and hides the whey protein flavor, but adds too much niacin.
    • The xanthan gum helped the consistency, but still is a bit low. Also, the xanthan gum needs to be mixed directly into the oil ingredients instead of the dry ingredients to prevent clumping.
    • The omega-3 from flaxseed is almost all of ALA form. Need to add DHA and FDA components, or a lot more ALA, since the conversion in the liver is only about 15% efficient.
    • The sweetness is more than enough. Could eliminate the Splenda
  • V6 Changes
    • The Carbohydrate:Protein:Fat ratio has far too much carbohydrate. Will adjust to be 40%:30%:30% for carbs:protein:fat, which for 2000 kcal/day would be : 800:600:600 kcal
    • Reducing the Splenda
    • Increasing Xanthan gum by 1 g / day
    • Adding a fish oil pill to provide enough DHA and FDA Omega-3 PUFAs..
  • V5 Issues:
    • The heavier components are settling quickly when mixed. The psyllium husk powder was reduced, and xanthan gum eliminated to reduce bloating. Should increase both to help.
    • Found sources other than Beano to limit bloating from the whole grains. The active ingredient in Beano is alpha-galactosidase enzyme. The alpha-galactosidase enzyme is measured in GALU and one Beano tablet contains 300 GALU. The required amount for V5 is two tablets which is 600 GALU per day. The product "Equate" through online Walmart is $5 / 100 tablets, with each tablet containing 600 GALU. Beano is $12 / 100 tablets, each tablet containing 300 GALU. The Equate products is less than 1/4 the price per GALU.
    • Used corn flour masa to fill in for part of the barley flour in the last batch of V5. The taste was very good. The masa goes well with and helps mask the flavor of the whey. Masa also has very low levels of manganese (0.5 mg Mn / 100 g Masa). Should consider using masa for future variations of the recipe. Some masa producers add Niacin. The added niacin will easily go over the UL for V5. Should select a product which is not fortified with niacin.
  • V5 Changes:
    • Adding 5 g of psyllium husk powder to help with settling.
    • Re-adding a small amount of xanthan gum (1 g) to help with settling.
  • V4 Issues:
    • Whole grain Oat Flour and Wheat bran contain high levels of Manganese (~ 4 mg / 100 g). Need another source of Carbohydrate which is lower in Manganese.
      • Brown rice flour contains 4 mg of Manganese / 100 g flour.
      • White rice flour contains 1.2 mg of Manganese / 100 g flour.
      • Spelt flour contains 3.0 mg / 100 g
      • Barley flour contains 1.0 mg / 100 g
      • Dark rye flour contains 6.7 mg / 100 g
      • Light rye flour contains 2.0 mg / 100 g
      • Soy flour, full-fat, raw contains 2.3 mg / 100 g
      • Soy flour, low-fat contains 2.3 mg / 100 g
      • Oat flour, partially debranned contains 4.0 mg / 100 g
      • Corn flour, Masa contains 0.5 mg / 100 g
    • The existing supply of oat flour could be mixed with barley flour until the oat flour runs out. Then a switch to soy flour seems to be the way to go. Soy flour also contains higher fat content, and would reduce the amount of canola oil used.
    • Should target using enough barley flour to eliminate the need to add-in corn starch to supplement the carbohydrate requirement.
  • V4 Changes:
    • Reducing fiber to just 100% RDI from 280%. The soluble fiber was causing digestion issues. The insoluble wheat bran fiber was also contributing the highest amounts of Manganese which is going beyond the daily upper limit of 11 mg/day in the recipe. Using the UCSF Health recommendations of 22 g/day of insoluble, 8 g/day soluble fiber.
    • The Bob's Red Mill oat flour nutritional information is incomplete. The oat flour is the main ingredient in the recipe. Combining USDA and data along with the BRM data to get a more complete nutritional data set.
  • V3 issues:
    • The amount of soluble fiber is still too high, but flavor is better due to the reduction of the Xanthan gum. Should reduce the Psyllium by 50%
    • The thickness may be ok without the extra psyllium husk powder due to the oat flour itself.
    • Malt contains complex sugars which are not digestible by humans, but are fermentable by gut flora, and can cause bloating. The elimination of malt may reduce the bloating issue
  • V3 Changes:
    • Reduced the Xanthan gum further to 2 g. Indigestible xanthan gum can cause bloating and gas plus. Xanthan gum also seems to reduce flavors.
    • Reduced Maltodextrin by 50% to 10g. The powdering of the oil is almost achieved with just the maltodextrin contained in the sucralose (Splenda) itself.
  • V2 Changes:
    • increased the oat flour and decreased the sugars to lower the GI value
    • decreased the amount of Xanthan Gum. Larger amounts of Xanthan Gum masks flavors and gives an unpleasant slimy/gelatinous texture. Increased the amount of Psyllium Husk Powder to maintain body
    • Added Wheat Bran to meet the minimum RDA Omega-6 level
    • Decreased the Maltodextrin. The previous amount was more than enough to create a powdered oil
    • Swapped out granulated sugar for dried Barley Malt extract. The malt has a lower Glycemic Index of 42 compared to table sugar (sucralose) with a GI of 65. The malt flavor should also go better with the milky flavor of the whey.

Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Day
55% Carb, 20% Protein, 25% Fat
% Daily Values*
Total Carbohydrate290g
Dietary Fiber 53g
Total Fat57g
Saturated Fat7g
Monounsaturated Fat19g
Polyunsaturated Fat27g
Omega-3 Fatty Acids11g
Omega-6 Fatty Acids12g
Vitamin A
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Pantothenic Acid
* Percent Daily Values are based on "Sekondus: U.S. government DRI male 19-50, 2000 calories, updated 2:1 ω-6:ω-3 ratio, and fiber recommendation". You may use the Nutrient Calculator to personalise your own profile, then select it from the list on the Recipe Editor tab.
Nutrient Profile: Sekondus: U.S. government DRI male 19-50, 2000 calories, updated 2:1 ω-6:ω-3 ratio, and fiber recommendationChange

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