Tyam Tyres LTD.

by tyamtyresLast updated June 7, 2023
Macro NutrientsAmountMax
Calories (kcal)1966
Carbohydrates (g)246
Protein (g)98
Total Fat (g)66
Saturated Fat (g)0
Monounsaturated Fat (g)0
Polyunsaturated Fat (g)0
Omega-3 Fatty Acids (g)1.6
Omega-6 Fatty Acids (g)17
Total Fiber (g)28
Soluble Fiber (g)0
Insoluble Fiber (g)0
Cholesterol (mg)0
Vitamin A (IU)300010000
Vitamin B6 (mg)1.3100
Vitamin B12 (ug)2.4
Vitamin C (mg)902000
Vitamin D (IU)6004000
Vitamin E (IU)201000
Vitamin K (ug)120
Thiamin (mg)1.2
Riboflavin (mg)1.3
Niacin (mg)1635
Folate (ug)4001000
Pantothenic Acid (mg)5
Biotin (ug)30
Choline (mg)5503500
Calcium (g)12.5
Chloride (g)2.33.6
Chromium (ug)35
Copper (mg)0.910
Iodine (ug)1501100
Iron (mg)845
Magnesium (mg)420
Manganese (mg)2.311
Molybdenum (ug)452000
Phosphorus (g)0.74
Potassium (g)3.5
Selenium (ug)55400
Sodium (g)1.52.3
Sulfur (g)2
Zinc (mg)1140
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