Macro Nutrients | Amount | Max |
Calories (kcal) | 2650 | 2750 |
Carbohydrates (g) | 309 | 431 |
Protein (g) | 69 | 232 |
Total Fat (g) | 61 | 103 |
Saturated Fat (g) | 0 | |
Monounsaturated Fat (g) | 0 | |
Polyunsaturated Fat (g) | 0 | |
Omega-3 Fatty Acids (g) | 1.8 | 3.5 |
Omega-6 Fatty Acids (g) | 15 | 29 |
Total Fiber (g) | 25 | |
Soluble Fiber (g) | 0 | |
Insoluble Fiber (g) | 0 | |
Cholesterol (mg) | 0 |
Vitamins | Amount | Max |
Vitamin A (IU) | 2333 | 10000 |
Vitamin B6 (mg) | 1.3 | 100 |
Vitamin B12 (ug) | 2.4 | |
Vitamin C (mg) | 75 | 2000 |
Vitamin D (IU) | 600 | 4000 |
Vitamin E (IU) | 33 | |
Vitamin K (ug) | 90 | |
Thiamin (mg) | 1.1 | |
Riboflavin (mg) | 1.1 | |
Niacin (mg) | 14 | 35 |
Folate (ug) | 400 | |
Pantothenic Acid (mg) | 5 | 20 |
Biotin (ug) | 30 | |
Choline (mg) | 425 | 3500 |
Minerals | Amount | Max |
Calcium (g) | 1 | 2.5 |
Chloride (g) | 0 | |
Chromium (ug) | 25 | |
Copper (mg) | 0.9 | 10 |
Iodine (ug) | 150 | 1100 |
Iron (mg) | 18 | 45 |
Magnesium (mg) | 320 | |
Manganese (mg) | 1.8 | 11 |
Molybdenum (ug) | 45 | 2000 |
Phosphorus (g) | 0.7 | 4 |
Potassium (g) | 4.7 | |
Selenium (ug) | 55 | 400 |
Sodium (g) | 1.5 | 2.3 |
Sulfur (g) | 0 | |
Zinc (mg) | 8 | 40 |
This is only the values from Health Canada. As such, it does not include values for chloride, sulfur, etc.
There are separate values for pregnancy or lactation. These are not them.
The micronutrients here are the same for any body weight, calorie intake, etc. Calorie and macronutrient targets need to be adjusted for different calorie levels, and minimum protein may need to be adjusted for your body weight.
You can use these formulas to adjust things if you want exactly the Health Canada recommended values, or you can just use the profile calculator and pick this for the DRI profile and probably get something reasonable.
For minimum and maximum calories, give yourself a window around your target number. I used a 100 calorie wide window.
Minimum carbs: the larger of (0.45 * (max calories)) / 4 OR 130 g
Maximum carbs: (0.65 * (min calories)) / 4
Minimum protein: the larger of (0.10 (max calories)) / 4 OR 0.8 (your body weight in kg)
Maximum protein: (0.35 * (min calories)) / 4
Minimum fat: (0.2 * (max calories)) / 9
Maximum fat: (0.35 * (min calories)) / 9
Minimum Omega-6 fatty acids: the larger of (0.05 * (max calories)) / 9 OR 12 g
Maximum Omega-6 fatty acids: (0.1 * (min calories)) / 9
Minimum Omega-3 fatty acids: the larger of (0.006 * (max calories)) / 9 OR 1.1 g
Maximum Omega-6 fatty acids: (0.012 * (min calories)) / 9
Additional details, mostly from various footnotes:
The recommendation for saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids, and dietary cholesterol is "As low as possible while consuming a nutritionally adequate diet."
The recommendation for added sugars is "Limit to no more than 25% of total energy."
"The requirement for iron is 1.8 times higher for vegetarians due to the lower bioavailability of iron from a vegetarian diet."
The iron minimum assumes that women in this age group menstruate. The minimum for men this age and for age groups that are assumed not to menstruate is 8 mg, so I would guess that would be enough for women who don't menstruate, probably?
The upper limits for magnesium, folate, and vitamin E, BUT they don't apply if you're getting those things from food. If you're using supplements for any of those, then you need to worry about the upper limits, I guess. The limits are:
There's a note saying that "sulfate requirements are met when dietary intakes contain recommended levels of sulfur amino acids (protein)." But of course, this site doesn't track amino acids, so those aren't reflected here.
"Because smoking increases oxidative stress and metabolic turnover of vitamin C, the requirement for smokers is increased by 35 mg/day."
For vitamin E:
"In view of evidence linking the use of supplements containing folic acid before conception and during early pregnancy with reduced risk of neural tube defects in the fetus, it is recommended that all women capable of becoming pregnant take a supplement containing 400μg of folic acid every day, in addition to the amount of folate found in a healthy diet."
"Although AIs have been set for choline, there are few data to assess whether a dietary supply of choline is needed at all stages of the life cycle, and it may be that the choline requirement can be met by endogenous synthesis at some of these stages."
Various things have notes saying basically that although they can't establish an upper limit for some things, large amounts of those things might still be bad for you.
There are notes about retinol activity equivalents, niacin equivalents and dietary folate equivalents. You can look up the details if you're worried about these.