U.S. govt DRI for postmenopausal female 50-70 (reduced potassium), adjustable calories. Jean's HAES friendly notes.

by jeanbraithwaiteLast updated February 18, 2017
Macro NutrientsAmountMax
Calories (kcal)1300
Carbohydrates (g)130
Protein (g)50
Total Fat (g)0
Saturated Fat (g)0
Monounsaturated Fat (g)0
Polyunsaturated Fat (g)0
Omega-3 Fatty Acids (g)1.1
Omega-6 Fatty Acids (g)2
Total Fiber (g)21
Soluble Fiber (g)0
Insoluble Fiber (g)0
Cholesterol (mg)0
Vitamin A (IU)300010000
Vitamin B6 (mg)1.5100
Vitamin B12 (ug)2.4
Vitamin C (mg)752000
Vitamin D (IU)6004000
Vitamin E (IU)201000
Vitamin K (ug)90
Thiamin (mg)1.1
Riboflavin (mg)1.1
Niacin (mg)1435
Folate (ug)4001000
Pantothenic Acid (mg)5
Biotin (ug)30
Choline (mg)4253500
Calcium (g)1.22
Chloride (g)23.6
Chromium (ug)20
Copper (mg)0.910
Iodine (ug)1501100
Iron (mg)845
Magnesium (mg)320
Manganese (mg)1.811
Molybdenum (ug)452000
Phosphorus (g)0.74
Potassium (g)3.5
Selenium (ug)55400
Sodium (g)1.32.3
Sulfur (g)0
Zinc (mg)840
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This is a work in progress, in which I've mostly filled in the values from US DRI for postmenopausal female 50-70. They don't provide advice on sulfur; I'm ignoring it, assuming the protein inputs will cover me adequately. Potassium figure borrowed from QuidNYC. Things to think about which may need further study: fiber (amount and type), fats profile, revisit potassium issue? The suggested US govt. upper limit for magnesium is 350 mg from supplements and additives (no worries, apparently, about the amount naturally occurring in your food ingredients).

I have set the calories for this nutrient profile absurdly low not because I intend to eat so little or think you should either, but because I want to practice "intuitive eating" which is guided by physiological cues of hunger rather than some external metric. If you're not very hungry one day, you'll still get your fundamental needs met by a recipe based on this rather skimpy formula. On the average day, though, you'd probably want to consume lots more macroingredients. After I've eaten all of one day's basic recipe (over two or three meals), if I'm still hungry (or hungry again) I mix up another batch of just the macros.